måndag 3 juni 2013

Take Tzefat!

A lot's happened in the last week. My camera's busted, so expect lower quality photos from now on, if any, sadly. People have disappeared - Tami, Daniel Colombia (the bastard still owes me money), Christina, Luck, Lasse and Helga, all great people that we miss. Just feels so weird when you're the veteran, and the people that were here when you got here start disappearing. We just have one new person - Matt from South Africa, seems like a nice guy. I'll enjoy getting to know him, of course. What else? We've been planting trees in the Orchards, they'll be there for 50 years, so it really feels like you're accomplishing something. Only drawback was waking up at 3.30... Anyway, time to talk about Tzefat!

Martin did it to me again, while I was going to go clean the bombshelter (it had been flooded...) he did like last time "Hey, want to go to Tzefat? We're leaving in 5 minutes!", and of course I accepted. Hitchhiked to Meron Junction with 2 people from the kibbutz, where we tried to get another ride, but ended up taking the bus since no one picked us up. We got there, had good falafel/shwarma, then Martin took me to an amazing bakery. Delicious pastries, eaten while talking and enjoying the views of the city. Then we had turkish coffee, which at that place turned out to be terrible. Then we went to see the fortress.
 Tzefat (Safed, Zefat, Zefad, Tzefad...) as seen from Tzefat fortress, it's so nice and peaceful up there.
The monolith at the top of the fortress, and an israeli girl that didn't speak english by it.
 Information about the... You know what, just read it yourself. :P
 Martin in the dungeons, looking like he's been there for a while.
 The older parts of the ruins, there's so little left of it - supposedly, at its prime, it covered 8 football fields.
 The stairs of Tzefat. While it was still divided in the jewish and arab quarters, if you crossed, you got shot.

Then we were heading back home, and Martin had warned me that getting a ride from Tzefat is a bitch. It took a while, but we got picked up, then dumped off twice before we encountered another kibbutz car. Talked to several nice people, including a soldier that didn't speak very good english, but he was nice anyway. We got back fairly late, after a really well spent day.
 Sanshiro, from Japan, at Tami's last party.
 Same with Jenny from Korea.
 Tami herself, and Luck.
 Them again, doing... I don't even know.
 Mike looking oddly good, considering the amount of alcohol flowing that night.
Harald, Hanna, Howard and Rain, each looking interesting in some way. Gotta love Harald's face. <3

That's it. Not much else going on this week. See y'all later!

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