I think I recently spent mine. Had to take a sickday, but didn't follow proper procedure... Lena was fairly annoyed at me. I'm off the hook for now, as long as it doesn't happen again, though.
I'll make sure it won't.
What's happened lately? We've gained 3 people, but lost 2. Luan the south african, and Iannis the french guy had to go home. They were on their last warnings, and got in a fight, apparently. It's a bit iffy on the details, since there's a dozen rumors flying around, and no two are the same. I'll miss them, both. Luan's presence was one of those things I didn't think I'd miss all that much until he left. He was loud, made bad jokes, and left a void after he disappeared. Same with Iannis. He was just great having around - a bit insane, pyromantic, and I'll definitely miss him. It just feels really strange, all this.
The new people are 2 koreans, and the first japanese person I know has visited, Emma and... Some name I can't pronounce for the korean guy, and Sanshiro. They all seem fairly interesting, but I've not gotten to know them properly yet. They just arrived, and everyone's been talking to them, and I'm in my room getting healthier.
Yesterday was kareoke night, and we did everything from Slim Shady to Hakuna Matata. It sounded terrible. :D But I have even more respect for the people here now. Some showed that they're even nicer than I thought, and everyone just went nuts. Singing Barbie Girl, and everyone loves it, joins in, and cheer at the end. If everyone makes a fool out of themselves, then I guess no one is a fool by comparison. And it takes a fool to remain sane...
It sure does <3