Yesterday I worked at the Dfus, printing. No papercuts, unlike when I was working at the apple factory. It was really nice - the foreman made me take longer, more frequent breaks, and I could get up an hour later and still end at the same time, and by the end I got told I'd still helped a lot. Win-win for everyone. Really good day, there. Then we played tennis, I was horrible as always. Then we had Ethnic Night. The brazilian, french and dutch people cooked for everyone - Lucas the brazilian made some sort of meat-and-bean stew with rice, can't remember what it was called. I had the vegetarian version, and it was still great. Next, Suzan the dutch with something called "poorcookies", made from the crumbs of all sorts of cookies, and covered in delicious creamy... Something. Then the pyromaniac french guy Iannis set his Créme Brulée on fire. All in all, a very good night.
I also found out I'm going to work in the Orchards instead of the apple factory - changing it up after three weeks, even though that position seems highly sought after, and some have been here for months without getting promoted. I'll be working out in the sun, cutting branches, and... I don't know. But I look forward to finding out!
Today... Not much has happened, played tennis, saw a film, made a ton of bad jokes. There were meringues in the common room. :D Fuck yes. Well, have to sleep some time! G'night!
What's a Dfus?
SvaraRaderaPrinting. We apparently make a bunch of pamphlets and brochures here.