This day seemed like it would be ordinary, but it wasn't. However, the day before yesterday was also important. Something that looked like a mantis, but brown and fat, the size of my thumb, made its way into the corridor. It made noise, really loudly, Howard, the finder, thought there was a person outside our room. Kevin the hero shoved it out the door with a broom, while Simon screamed, slammed his own door, and ran into the room across. I've been told you could hear the shouts from all of us in the other corridors.
Anyway, Martin is back! The very charismatic danish guy arrived earlier, awesome as ever. Yesterday, I don't think a lot happened, but today, a ton of things happened. Got up, went to work, going to my usual place when the foreman tells me I'm working at another place in the apple factory today. A lot like the regular place, but more relaxed, and you can actually talk to people while you work. The Druze girls who work there are really interesting, so I could chat instead of listening to music. Druze is a religion that's supposed to be pretty strict - the girl belongs to first the father, then husband, and is not allowed to talk to men, drive, go anywhere on their own, and they have to marry another druze or leave their village. The ones I work with, are really nice, normal, talk to everyone, and don't seem to follow even half those rules. Just a nice change. When I get back, I get ready to wash my ties...
Martin shows up going "Hey, you want to go to Haifa in 8 minutes?", completely out of the blue, but I'm all for that. He's gotten a ride from Eliran the member's mother, who is helping Eliran's brother Ishai move in Haifa. So off we go, an hour and a half later and we're in the German Colonies, looking up at the Ba'hai Gardens, it's beautiful, but we couldn't get in since there was a massive convention for the leaders of the Ba'hai religion. Still, pictures will come tomorrow. We talked a bit to a guard there, and she recommended we take the bus up to a promenade with a beautiful view of the city. We did, but got off at the wrong stop, about 6 kilometers off when we asked for directions. Still got good pictures. Then we headed down towards the city centre, had falafel on the way, then took the Carmelit, which is a mix of a ski lift and a railway - the cars are built at an angle, it looks really weird. Well there, we were supposed to take the bus to meet up with Eliran's mother, but Martin felt like hitchhiking instead. So off to Akko we go, meeting a new friend on the way, so now I know people in Haifa AND Tel Aviv. Got a sim card too, so I'll be able to use my phone now. Woo! :D Anyway, exhausted, and I have to work somewhere else tomorrow, so I have to sleep now. Plus Howard's bugged by the klatter of my keys. Well, goodnight world!
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