Also known as The Ocean Of Apples, or Day The Second... Without Sunscreen!. Yesterday was Independence day, so we had the day off, which meant I don't think anyone ate breakfast after the massive party, everyone was knocked out. The partying kept going pretty long, and everyone seemed to have a great time.
On the day off, we had a barbecue, lots of meat and pitas filled to the brim with vegetables and hummus. Then we watched some films. Well, some did, and kept watching Workaholics after The Hangover. While the more sensible ones were playing chess. Everything was indoors since it was the first day it'd rained since I got here. Of course, holiday means rain. :D
At dinner, Eliran, a member at the kibbutz, and Naama, seen above (With Martin pointing at the door, for some reason, but I'm going to say that he's drunk and falling over while making a nazi joke.), sat by us, talked, laughed, and stuff. Turns out Eliran was looking for someone to play video games with, one of the characters naming this entry. Me and Simon joined him gladly, until he had to sleep early - had to get up early to get back to the navy and invade Fra- uh, mop the poop deck. so we hung out with Naama a bit more, learned that she's got a couch for couch surfers, and she apparently loves to make new friends, so if you're ever in Tel Aviv, I suggest meeting her, she's great. :D
Today, more apple packing, I've been really busy, and all over the place, and ate pancakes twice today because... Kibbutz! And I've repaired my computer, that's been acting up lately. At least it's working now. Well, off to new adventures!
Hey, Ramses wants an electric Cat Throne. With a tuna dispenser.