First day of work today. Got up at 6.20 to go to the "apple factory", where the work pretty much consisted of getting a box, filling it with the apples the foreman told me were good, then repeating for a few hours. After lunch, everything had to be cleaned. All in all, I worked about 8,5 hours, a normal workday around here, with 3 breaks all in all. The weirdest thing is breakfast, as you work for about 2 hours before you eat. I make 15 shekels a day from the work, to be spent at the Colbo whenever I feel like it. I had friendly coworkers, and could just zone out and listen to music while working. But with the different classes of apples, I'll never be able to think of them the same again.
Tomorrow I'm getting up just before 4. Instead of the pool, where they said I'd work then, I'll be removing leaves from the fruits before they're sorted. Woo!
After we were done, we went off to the Colbo, the small store just over the street from the factory - they have soft drinks, tooth paste, peanut butter, staple removers... Just an assortment of odd and possibly necessary stuff. That's about what has happened today. I'll be playing tennis and getting to sleep early tonight.
Före fyra? Yikes.
SvaraRaderaÅtta plusgrader i dag! Vi har tittat på en massa tranor.