Okay, I'm here. Took 17 hours from Kastrup, but I'm here. It could be worse, though. The other swedes had a longer flight to the middle landing in Prague, AND had to wait 7 hours in the airport. When we got here, we were all so exhausted we just slept, pretty much. Had lunch first, but sleep's much more important at that stage. Anyway! On to the pictures!
This is the main gate. One of the things to make me nervous - gates and barbed wire fences, and at least 5 people just on the train with loaded weapons. Then at least 7-8 AT the kibbutz, from the nearby military base, who visited hoping to buy some things from the local store. NOT used to that yet.
And here's how just about every road looks, well kept, and everything's just so GREEN. We have about 20 degrees here, which is apparently pretty cold for the israeli spring. But all the swedes agree that it's lovely.
Here we have my room, not much, but it's a good place to store all my crap. :D My roommate's the swede Simon, great guy, like all the people here.
The view from just about anywhere in the kibbutz is great - you can see tonnes of small villages in the distance, and if not that, forests.
Playing tennis is one of the main activities in the afternoon. At least right now, besides basketball and football. Later, it'll be swimming as well, once the pool opens. I noticed I'm terrible at tennis, but with practice, I'll be okay. Hopefully.
The art museum here, at the kibbutz, seems really interesting, but so far, I've only been able to get a look while passing. I'll visit and take more pictures later. Requests for specific images are always welcome. If you want to know anything at all about the visit, just ask. Might've missed something. Now I'm off, the other kibbutzniks want me.
Jag önskar dig en bra tid där nere!
SvaraRaderaUnderbart att höra från dig och att se bilder!
SvaraRaderaJag vill veta mer om hur du bor och vad du jobbar med, hur allt funkar och ja, typ ALLT. Vi saknar dig! Puss!
Hej! Kul att läsa och se hur du har det. Resan verkar ju gått bra. Även jag är intresserad av att höra om vad du ska arbeta med, hur långa arbetsdagar har ni osv... Låter som en spännande tillvaro :)
SvaraRaderaHa det gott kram Viktoria
Meeeen du...... 27 timmar? Var du verkligen framme kl 23???